Provo here we come!!!

Location: Irricana, Alberta, Canada

I am the stay at home mom to Emilie 6, Gregory 4, Joshua 2 and Jacob 1 month. I live in Irricana, AB with my hubby Zak, our children, and my Dad.

Monday, April 03, 2006

Paper Angels

Okay I think we could really make this one work. Everybody's angel can be competely individual. If you really wanted to tie Canada into our them than your angel could have maple leaves on her...or something like that. I'm more than happy to take care of the hotel room door thing....i think viola wants to work on the center piece...leaving space for each of us to put our own angels. we still need someone to work on a chant/song....and then I believe that's it. As far as costumes I think we can either dress like our own angels or we can get some shirts made with each of our angels on it...something along those lines. So if this is a go...let me know and i'll email CK today to register our group.


Monday, March 27, 2006

The name...

Okay so I haven't seen much in the way of votes....

Viola wants paper angels
I am happy with charlies angels or desperate scrapbookers
I believe Haley wanted charlies angels
Joy's put out tonnes of awesome ideas but I'm not sure exactly which one you want to go with
And Terry suggested desperate housewives so perhaps she wants that but i'm not sure

Joy I'll email you to see what you and Terry want. Haley I'll email you to see what you want. Viola is already covered and Nancy I also need to find out about. I'll also be needing first and last names from everyone when i email you.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006

imagining things...

where did i get this idea that you need to decorate your hotel room door for your dorm?????

Sunday, March 19, 2006

Time to vote...

So sorry ladies that i've been mia........just trying to get this darn bathroom done. I'd like to vote this week on the name we'd like. Then we can quickly move to song/cheer, center piece and door. Also by the end of the week I need everybody's first and last name with our new dorm name so we can register our dorm. So let's get this going....

Please choose one of the following....Based on the number of votes i'll choose the name on friday and email ck with our dorm name.

a) desperate scrapbookers (following desperate house wives theme)
b) desperate housewives
c) charlie's angels
d) ralphie's angels
e) stevie's angels
f) paper angels
g) cropping canucks

That's all i've got...


Saturday, March 11, 2006

busy weekend

Just wanted to let you guys know that I'll update all this and what not after the weekend. We're trying to get this bathroom done this weekend so it's taking up alot of time. I so just wanna be scrapbooking....actually to be more precise i wish i was in okotoks at haley's store so i could use her magnetic word stamp kit so i can finish my layout. i just don't have anything that'll work right for this. anyway...i'll chat with you all later on...hope your all having a wonderful weekend.


Wednesday, March 08, 2006

What's our name???

Alright ladies so far we have paper angels ( i think) for our name. Is this what we want to stick with or is there something else we'd like? Along with our name we'll be needing a cheer/song, possibly an outfit for the dorm crop, and a center piece for our the name can't be something that's impossible to rhyme with or spell for that matter lol. Let's hear your ideas...if there's more than one then we'll take a vote.

The one option with paper angels...i know that there's an angel stamp we wanted to use somewhere and we sure can but we can also be like charlies angels. Then we could just use their theme song with scrapbookers words obviously. That's just an idea though....

In case anybody missed the comments in yesterdays regarding todays blog here's my comments:

okay more on the charlies angels thing....if we go with this since there will be six of us then 3 can be the charlies angels and perhaps the other three can be bad guys like say....the evil Dr. Papershredder or the ribbon robber...stuff like that. And yes...go for the farrah faucett hairdo!! So what do you other ladies think? Are you for this charlies angels or (chatterbox angels) or something along those lines or would you like to take this a whole other way. I'll happily give everyone a week or so to figure this out but then we must settle it so I can register our group. Haley if you do end up doing the song i'd be happy to help or do it or whatever. What do you think Joy?? Viola?? Nancy?? Anybody?? :)

And here's Haleys comments:

I like the idea of the Charlie's Angels thing. ( Would it be cheesy to wear my hair in the farrah do? I'll see if I can download the song on itunes. And I'll work on changing the words (unless someone else was going to, I consider myself and equal opportunist). And the stamp is called "addison" from Paper Bag Studios. I think Viola was going to use it on her shirt.

Monday, March 06, 2006

Let's get this dorm ready!

Hi Ladies

I thought this might be a useful page for us to use to plan our dorm group as well as little trip details. To respond to anything just leave a message in the comments section and everyone will be able to see them. First order of business leave us a bio....We've got 6 members of our dorm and more to come if we'd like. There's Annette(me), Viola, Nancy, Haley, Joy and joy's friend. So let's find out a little bit about everyone and get this going.

My bio

I'm Annette. I'm 26 years old. I'm a stay at home mom to Emilie, Gregory, and Joshua. I was fortunate enough to meet these ladies while we all worked for a scrapbook store in Calgary. I no longer live in Calgary but am close enough in Irricana.